Lee Holden

Use This Ancient Practice for Greater Energy and Focus

A Talk by Lee Holden (Qigong Master, Holden QiGong)

About this Talk

Lee will be LIVE in the Summit chat box during his talk on Monday, June 26 9am PDT/12pm EDT. Be sure to COME DURING THE LIVE BROADCAST TIME to ask Lee all of your Qigong questions!

What happens when you combine the world’s most popular physical exercise with the country’s fastest-growing sport? In this session, Qigong master Lee Holden will explain how Quigong can help you on the court: calmness and focus, flexibility, and better movement, as well as improved balance, coordination, and reflexes. You will walk away with exercises selected specifically for pickleball players that you can follow along with and use to start your own Qigong practice!

This presentation does not offer medical advice and is not seeking to diagnose, treat, or correct any injury you may be having. If you have any questions about an injury you are suffering from, and before you use any of the exercises shown in this presentation, consult with your health care professional. 

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June 26, 2023, 05:00 PM

05:00 PM - 05:50 PM

About The Speakers

Lee Holden

Lee Holden

Qigong Master, Holden QiGong

Doctor of Chinese Medicine Graduate of UC Berkeley with a BA in Psychology Qigong practitioner for over 30 years Previously studied under Taoist Master Mantak Chia

Lee Holden